Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The World of Warcraft Expands Yet Again

Tonight will see the best-selling World of Warcraft's universe expand once more, with the largest content patch since the release of the Burning Crusade expansion early last year.  The content patch, patch 3.0.2, called "Echoes of Doom" is available for preload now and will include a multitude of new features for the game's near 11 million subscribers.

The patch is in preparation for the upcoming second expansion "Wrath of the Lich King", and will include many of the changes necessary for that expansion's release, including the adding of some new areas (Stormwind Harbor, Barbershops) and the removal of others (Naxxaramus, the Dalaran bubble) as well as a considerable number of changes for each of the nine current classes.

Wrath of the Lich King is due for release this November 13th.

Obama's Advertising

Last week, gigaom wrote of either a fantastic photoshop job, or what could have been the first monumental siting of a presidential candidate advertising in a videogame.  Today, they confirmed that Obama actually is using a game to rock the vote.  This is yet another example in a long string of firsts for this campaign, looking to reach the young adult audience as thoroughly as possible.

Obama has previously been praised for his use of the popular video clip hosting website youtube.com as well as his use of facebook and other social networking sites to get out the word about voter registration, early voting, and even some policy that his target audience (18-24) would have strong opinions on.